Harvest October 2023

On Wednesday 7th October, the whole school attended the Harvest service at St Faith's Church, Kilsby with Mrs Sensecall leading the service as at present we do not have a vicar.  Every year, for harvest the children bring to school beautifully decorated gift boxes containing fruit, vegetables, including packeted and tinned foods , and these are distributed to the elderly people in Kilsby, after the service.

Parents, Grandparents and people from the village came along.  All the classes contributed at different stages throughout the service. The children in Reception made Harvest crowns,  the Year 1 children in Cherry class had created harvest artwork, the Year 2's in Cedar class read a Harvest Poem, the Year 3 children in Hazel created a vegetable collage, the Year 4's in Hawthorn spoke about harvest around the world, the Year 5's in Elder class read an acoustic poem and the Year 6 in Maple class had made harvest wreaths.  At the end of the service our Little Leaders read a Harvest Prayer.

It was a lovely service and afterwards the children walked around the village with their teachers delivering all the wonderful Harvest Gift boxes to the residents.  Coffee and cake was served at school after the service.